Planning for Development in India

Concept Explanation

Planning for Development in India

Planning For Development In India: As a result of years of colonial exploitation, the  newly formed Indian democracy    faced poverty, social injustice, unemployment, illiteracy, absence of industrial growth and agricultural ruin.

Lifting India and Indians out of poverty, and building a modern technical and industrial base were among the major objectives of the new nation. In 1950,Nehru and the government set up a planning commission to help design and execute suitable policies for economic development. There was a broad agreement on what was called a “mixed economy” model. Here, both the state and the private sector would play important and complementary roles in increasing production and generating jobs. What, specifically, these roles were to be- which industries should be initiated by the state and which by the market, how to achieve a balance between the different regions and states- was to be defined by the planning commission.

The Planning Commission to prepared a succession of five Years Plans for national development. Nehru modeled these Five-Year Plans on those of the Soviet Union. Through these plans, India made great progress in areas like industry, agriculture, irrigation, transport and communication, and social services.

As Mahatma Gandhi follower Mira Behn . Five year plan focused on the development of Science and Technology.It was opposed by Mira behn. she was the view that science and technology might gave huge returns, but at the end , they will lead to despair as these developments would be done at the cost of nature.

She said that we should frame our policies considering the laws of nature and should not disturb the natural balance.

This was the first of the four dams built on the Chambal river in Madhya Pradesh.

The bridge on the Mahanadi river constructed to control the flow of water.

Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Economic planning by which both the state and the private sector played a role in development was called a ______ model .

Right Option : C
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Question : 2

The first Indian Councils Act was passed in :

Right Option : C
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Question : 3

In which year , the second five year plan was formulated?

Right Option : C
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